

Iter in Vasintoniam (Campum Columbiae) faciam Octobre! Cur? Ut conventum societatis nomine CAAS eam. Eritisne ibi?

Tristis (plus minusve) fiam, nam necesse erit ab parvula uxoreque abesse. Non. Tamen uxorem et parvulam amo, itinera facere quoque mihi placet.

Imagines itineris faciam.

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you are invited to know Logosphera.com, a new social network specialized in Classics (Ancient Greece & Rome) and focused on webcourses in this area. You can register on www.logosphera.com and create a very complete profile.
Each webcourse will always offer one place for free.

Our News System is already available. This system is a tool to our members easily distribute information about Classics (conferences,courses, books, blogs, jobs, etc). You can find all details in the page "News System: Features and Concept"

If you have problems to register please inform us by email:

Next features: My Network (people I know)

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Classics Community & Education

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